
Selected free publications from famous art museums related to Biblical background/Christianity

From Getty Publications Virtual Library :

Gardens of the Roman World

Patrick Bowe, 2004

Treasures from the Ark: 1700 Years of Armenian Christian Art

Vrej Nersessian, 2001

Roman Funerary Sculpture: Catalogue of the Collections

Guntram Koch, 1988

Greek Gold from Hellenistic Egypt

Michael Pfrommer, 2001

Greek Funerary Sculpture: Catalogue of the Collections at the Getty Villa

Janet Burnett Grossman, 2001

From The Metropolitan Museum of Art:
Weitzmann, Kurt, ed. (1979)
Benzel, Kim, Sarah B. Graff, Yelena Rakic, and Edith W. Watts (2010)
Crawford, Vaughn E., Prudence O. Harper, and Holly Pittman, with an essay by Dorothea Seelye Franck (1980)
Harper, Prudence O., Evelyn Klengel-Brandt, Joan Aruz, and Kim Benzel (1995)
Harper, Prudence O., Joan Aruz, and Françoise Tallon, eds. (1992)
Norris, Michael, Carlos Picón, Joan Mertens, Elizabeth Milleker, Seán Hemingway, and Christopher Lightfoot (2000)

Evans, Helen C., and William D. Wixom, eds., with essays by Speros P. Vryonis, Jr., Thomas F. Mathews, Jeffrey C. Anderson, Annemarie Weyl Carr, Henry Maguire, Robert G. Ousterhout, Ioli Kalavrezou, Eunice Dauterman Maguire, Helen C. Evans, Olenka Z. Pevny, Joseph D. Alchermes, S. Peter Cowe, Thelma K. Thomas, Jaroslav Folda, Priscilla Soucek, and William D. Wixom (1997)

Norris, Michael (2005)

Rembrandt and the Bible
[adapted from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 36, no. 3 (Winter, 1978–1979)]
Mayor, A. Hyatt (1979)

McCann, Anna Marguerite (1978)

Thompson, Nancy L., Felicia Blum, Michael Norris, and Edith Watts (2007)

Milleker, Elizabeth J., Christopher Lightfoot, Melanie Holcomb, Marsha Hill, Jean Evans, Joan Aruz, Denise Patry Leidy, and Julie Jones (2000)


{Kindle] on narrative preaching

by Austin B. Tucker

Publisher: B&H Academic (June 1, 2008)
Publication Date: June 1, 2008

Digital List Price: $24.99
Kindle Price: $0.99
Save $24.00 (96%)

The Preacher as Storyteller takes a skills-development approach to its timely homiletics topic. In short, author Austin B. Tucker reasons that “You can greatly improve your preaching by sharpening storytelling skills . . . A story can touch the latch spring of the heart to let the life-changing gospel come in.”
To that end, he focuses upon the art of narrative and how it is used in the Bible (particularly by Jesus) and profiles great preachers throughout history and into today who have displayed a great gift for effective storytelling in their ministry.

[Logos/pdf] Themelios 41.1 (April 2016)

Themelios: Volume 41, No. 1, April 2016

  • I enjoy reading each issue, a nice one indeed
  • The Logos version is in pre-order stage but it's worthwhile to have it integrated with your other resources

"Themelios is an international evangelical theological journal that expounds and defends the historic Christian faith. Its primary audience is theological students and pastors, though scholars read it as well. It was formerly a print journal operated by RTSF/UCCF in the United Kingdom, and it became a digital journal operated by The Gospel Coalition in 2008. The new editorial team, led by D.A. Carson, seeks to preserve representation, in both essayists and reviewers, from both sides of the Atlantic. Each issue contains articles on important theological themes, as well as book reviews and discussion from the most important evangelical voices of our time."


[Logos] 3 discounted new books -2 commentaries and 1 on inerrancy

I seldom recommend Logos pre-orders now, but this is comparatively cheap (with hardcopies, Kindle [without sale]... etc)

  • Six theses of Longenecker's opus magnum


[pdf] a concise guide to reading the Bible in an evangelical way

SEEING  CHRIST IN ALL OF SCRIPTURE: Hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary
Edited by Peter A. Lillback 
with contributions from Vern S. Poythress, Iain M. Duguid, G. K.  Beale, and Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Philadelphia: Westminster Seminary Press, 2016.

“As true heir of Old Princeton, Westminster Theological Seminary
has borne the torch of Reformed theological inquiry and pedagogy
like no other North American seminary. Recent debate among its own faculty over two approaches to Scripture—Christocentric and Christotelic, respectively—called forth this book. With compelling appeal to Vos and Machen, and with succinct hermeneutical statements by current faculty, the authors rearticulate what Christocentric interpretation means and will continue to mean at Westminster.”
—Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary


[Kindle/epub/pdf] free e-booklet on Biblical Theology

Free e-booklet after a brief survey:
What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bible's Story, Symbolism, and Patterns
by James M. Hamilton
  • Paperback: 128 pages
  • Publisher: Crossway (November 30, 2013)
How Do You Read the Bible? The Bible recounts a single story—one that began at creation, encompasses our lives today, and will continue till Christ’s return and beyond. In What Is Biblical Theology?, Jim Hamilton introduces us to this narrative, helping us understand the worldview of the biblical writers so that we can read the Old and New Testaments as those authors intended. Tracing the key patterns, symbols, and themes that bind the Bible together, this book will help you understand Scripture’s unified message and find your place in the great story of redemption.


Are the Gospels based on eyewitness testimony? Bart Ehrman vs Richard Bauckham

Unbelievable? Are the Gospels based on eyewitness testimony? Bart Ehrman vs Richard Bauckham

Saturday 9th April 2016 - 02:30 pm

Bart Ehrman's new book "Jesus Before the Gospels" makes the case that the stories about Jesus would have changed and evolved before they were written down as the Gospels.
Richard Bauckham, author of "Jesus and the Eyewitnesses", defends the view that the Gospels were written by those with access to eyewitness testimony of Jesus' first followers. They debate who wrote Mark, whether the the Gospels came from anonymous traditions and how they received their titles.


[pdf] edited volume on the topic of Jerusalem (1992)

Jerusalem: Past And Present in the Purposes of God
P.W.L. Walker ed.

Cambridge: Tyndale House, 1992.

Table of Contents

I A Christian Approach to Old Testament Prophecy Concerning Israel - Chris Wright - pp.1-19.View in PDF format
II Jerusalem in the Old Testament - Gordon McConville - pp.21-51.
III Jerusalem in the New Testament - Tom Wright - pp.53-77.View in PDF format
IV Jerusalem in the Early Christian Centuries - Peter Walker - pp.81-97.View in PDF format
V Jerusalem in Judaism and for Christian Zionists - Margaret Brearley - pp.99-124.
VI Jerusalem in Islam and For Palestinian Christians - Naim AteekView in PDF format
VII Jerusalem and Justice: A Messianic Jewish Perspective - Baruch Maoz pp.151-173
VIII Jerusalem and the Church's Challenge - Peter Walker - pp.175-204.View in PDF format


2016 suggested bibliography for OT & NT studies (Denver Seminary)

Annotated Old Testament Bibliography 2016 by M. Daniel Carroll R., Helene Dallaire, and Richard S. Hess of Denver Seminary.
New Testament Exegesis Bibliography 2016 by William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, David Mathewson, and Erin M. Heim of Denver Seminary.

[Kindle] Free B&H ebook on Reformation (subscription needed)

The Unquenchable Flame: Discovering the Heart of the Reformation by Michael Reeves. B&H, 2010.
Burning pyres, nuns on the run, stirring courage, and comic relief: the Protestant Reformation is a gripping tale, packed with drama. But what motivated the Reformers? And what were they really like?
The Unquenchable Flame, a lively, accessible, and fully informative introduction to the Reformation by Michael Reeves, brings to life the movement’s most colorful characters (Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, The Puritans, etc.), examines their ideas, and shows the profound and personal relevance of Reformation thinking for today.
Also included are a lengthy Reformation timeline, a map of key places in the Reformation, further reading suggestions, and, in this U.S. edition, a new foreword by 9 Marks Ministries president Mark Dever.


For my OTS2 students -book of Psalms


Like a Garden of Flowers: A Study of the Formation of the 'Book' of Psalms

The study focuses issues of the formation of the 'Book' of Psalms from various perspectives. Aspects of paratextuality, scribal conventions, material culture and reception are used in overlapping ways to inquire into the complex and tangled growth of a collection that has become one of the most well known and appreciated anthologies of all times.

Doctoral student

David Willgren, Biblical Studies


Fredrik Lindström, Biblical Studies
Eidevall Göran,
Admission year: 2011
Subjects: Gamla testamentets exegetik
Department: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies

monthly free audiobook from ChristianAudio (April)

Taking God At His Word

FREE audiobook download for this month (normally US$10.98)
We are thankful to partner with Crossway and offer Taking God at His Word: Why the Bible is Knowable, Necessary, and Enough, and What That Means for You and Me by Kevin DeYoung as the free audiobook for April. It serves as a comprehensive and comprehensible introduction to a classic, orthodox doctrine of Scripture for the average man or woman in the pew, helping Christians across the globe gain confidence that the Bible really is knowable, necessary, and enough.


[Vyrso/Logos] When God Breaks Your Heart (till 1/4 UST)

Why is God letting this happen to me? If you have never asked this question, you someday will. There is perhaps no greater challenge to our faith than personal suffering. For pastor Ed Underwood this challenge came in the form of chronic leukemia. Though he prayed for and believed in God's healing, as the days slipped by and his pain became unbearable, Ed's heart was broken by a simple realization: The God who could do anything was not helping him. Yet a revelation from God's Word changed his heart and life forever. In this poignant journey from tragedy to hope, Ed takes a fresh look at the story of Lazarus and his sisters—a story that explores suffering through the eyes of our Lord and His people. You'll find comfort during difficulty, be inspired to ask for the impossible, and discover a God whose heart breaks with yours.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
