
[pdf] a concise guide to reading the Bible in an evangelical way

SEEING  CHRIST IN ALL OF SCRIPTURE: Hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary
Edited by Peter A. Lillback 
with contributions from Vern S. Poythress, Iain M. Duguid, G. K.  Beale, and Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Philadelphia: Westminster Seminary Press, 2016.

“As true heir of Old Princeton, Westminster Theological Seminary
has borne the torch of Reformed theological inquiry and pedagogy
like no other North American seminary. Recent debate among its own faculty over two approaches to Scripture—Christocentric and Christotelic, respectively—called forth this book. With compelling appeal to Vos and Machen, and with succinct hermeneutical statements by current faculty, the authors rearticulate what Christocentric interpretation means and will continue to mean at Westminster.”
—Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary

[Kindle sale] Goldingay's Complete Old Testament for Everyone (US$5.99)

 good for quiet time meditation ...