
[Kindle] sale on selected Zondervan commentaries on Pentateuch (till 26/2)

Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary --US$3.99@

Genesis by John H. Walton 

Exodus by Bruce Wells 

Leviticus and Numbers by Roy Gane & R. Dennis Cole

Deuteronomy by Eugene Carpenter 


NIV Application Commentary


Genesis by John H. Walton 

Exodus by Peter Enns 

Leviticus and Numbers by Roy Gane

Deuteronomy by Daniel I. Block

Pentateuch bundle (US$17.99)


[Kindle] Ebook on Expository Preaching [till 22/2 UST]

by Ramesh Richard
Baker, 2001. 
Digital List Price:

Kindle Price: $0.99
Save $16.00 (94%)
"The Bible is what God has made. Sermons are what we make with what God has made." This is the foundation for developing expository messages, according to Ramesh Richard. His method, explained in Preparing Expository Sermons, has been field-tested in training seminars for thousands of preachers around the world.

Richard's book is a simple do-it-yourself resource for developing and preaching expository sermons. It guides the reader through a seven-step process, with many practical suggestions and illustrative charts along the way. In addition, there are eleven appendixes that include information on:
o how to choose a text
o preaching narratives
o understanding your audience
o forms of sermon introduction
A comprehensive sermon evaluation questionnaire is included as well.

Preparing Expository Sermons, an updated and expanded version of Scripture Sculpture, is ideal for beginning preachers, lay preachers without formal training, or any pastor who is looking for a refresher course in expository sermon preparation.


US$25 off on any Logos order for their 25th anniv.


[Kindle] 3 good books on pastoral theology by Baker


[Kindle sale] good book on Biblical Theology


Logos Bible Software 7 Basic Edition --free today (not sure when it will end)

Logos Bible Software 7 Basic Edition

Logos 7 Basic is the free version of our Logos Bible Study application, allowing you to try a limited-feature version until you’re ready to get the fully-featured version of Logos 7. With no credit card required, you can get started with Logos 7 Basic today and enjoy a few of the features we’ve included, as well as select datasets, books, and other resources*.
If you’re on a previous version of Logos, Logos 7 Basic will update you to the Logos 7 version of our software. While Logos 7 Basic is not the full-featured version of Logos 7, it is an application version update, with a few additional datasets and resources added in.
*The features, datasets, and books provided in Logos 7 Basic are “access-only”, which means you have access to them, but do not own them permanently.

  1. 對從未有Logos的人——Logos其本上是一個電子書平台,提供研經及神學的電子書。現在這個Basic版跟Lexham English Bible, 其他有些用的書有:Faithlife Study Bible Notes, DIY Bible Study及 Lexham Bible Dictionary. 但它的真正強項在於integrate不同resources, 即是把經文和與其相關的書籍(註釋書、聖經詞典)串連一起,聖經和書籍能並排而且同步閱讀 (特別那些你未買的好書, 大概在你安裝後不久,便會有電郵向你推銷)。可以接受會有不斷擴展的誘惑的話,則裝也無妨...(Logos每月也有一本免費書和一本兩三元美金的書供選購。) 
  2. 對已買過任何版本的Logos的人——不用問,絕對應upgrade (曾買Libronix的朋友請記得用你之前註冊的名登入Logos 7,以能在v.7開啟你以前的書)。 
  3. Logos對系統資源有一定要求,不宜安裝在舊款電腦中(其手機Apps應不在此限)。它有中文電子書可供購買,但對比其本身的英文書,暫時仍未有太多選擇。


[Kindle] Kingdom Ethics, 2nd ed. (recommended)

Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context

by David P. Gushee (Author), Glen H. Stassen (Author)  
Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans; 2nd ed.  2016 July

Digital List Price: $40.00
Print List Price: $40.00 Save $36.01 (90%)

Comprehensive update of the leading Christian ethics textbook of the 21st century

Ever since its original publication in 2003, Glen Stassen and David Gushee's Kingdom Ethics has offered students, pastors, and other readers an outstanding framework for Christian ethical thought, one that is solidly rooted in Scripture, especially Jesus's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount.

This substantially revised edition of Kingdom Ethics features enhanced and updated treatments of all major contemporary ethical issues. David Gushee's revisions include updated data and examples, a more global perspective, more gender-inclusive language, a clearer focus on methodology, discussion questions added


新約研究(二)比較練習 (已更新)

比較練習 ---
  •  Pregeant, Encounter with the New Testament, 279-84
  • Kruger, 349-56.
  • Carson & Moo, 554-70

For those who own a Kindle version of Carson and Moo:

monthly Logos free ebook (Feb)

N. T. Wright
The twelve exhilarating meditations in this volume explore what it truly means to follow Jesus today. Part one outlines the essential messages of six major New Testament books—Hebrews, Colossians, Matthew, John, Mark, and Revelation.

another flashcard app (for Greek learners)

  • 優:希—英及英—希,個別詞類,個別課文,遊戲形式

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
