
Logos Bible Software 7 Basic Edition --free today (not sure when it will end)

Logos Bible Software 7 Basic Edition

Logos 7 Basic is the free version of our Logos Bible Study application, allowing you to try a limited-feature version until you’re ready to get the fully-featured version of Logos 7. With no credit card required, you can get started with Logos 7 Basic today and enjoy a few of the features we’ve included, as well as select datasets, books, and other resources*.
If you’re on a previous version of Logos, Logos 7 Basic will update you to the Logos 7 version of our software. While Logos 7 Basic is not the full-featured version of Logos 7, it is an application version update, with a few additional datasets and resources added in.
*The features, datasets, and books provided in Logos 7 Basic are “access-only”, which means you have access to them, but do not own them permanently.

  1. 對從未有Logos的人——Logos其本上是一個電子書平台,提供研經及神學的電子書。現在這個Basic版跟Lexham English Bible, 其他有些用的書有:Faithlife Study Bible Notes, DIY Bible Study及 Lexham Bible Dictionary. 但它的真正強項在於integrate不同resources, 即是把經文和與其相關的書籍(註釋書、聖經詞典)串連一起,聖經和書籍能並排而且同步閱讀 (特別那些你未買的好書, 大概在你安裝後不久,便會有電郵向你推銷)。可以接受會有不斷擴展的誘惑的話,則裝也無妨...(Logos每月也有一本免費書和一本兩三元美金的書供選購。) 
  2. 對已買過任何版本的Logos的人——不用問,絕對應upgrade (曾買Libronix的朋友請記得用你之前註冊的名登入Logos 7,以能在v.7開啟你以前的書)。 
  3. Logos對系統資源有一定要求,不宜安裝在舊款電腦中(其手機Apps應不在此限)。它有中文電子書可供購買,但對比其本身的英文書,暫時仍未有太多選擇。

[Kindle sale] Goldingay's Complete Old Testament for Everyone (US$5.99)

 good for quiet time meditation ...