
[Logos] discounted goodies on Biblical Studies

  • reasonably cheap (and good) ones

Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics: A Comprehensive Framework for Hearing God in Scripture
See inside
This image is for illustration only. The product is a download.

Runs on WindowsMac and mobile.

Sale Price
$22.49 USD
($175.57 HKD*)

$351.21 HKD

Kregel Handbooks for Old Testament and New Testament Exegesis (5 vols.)
This image is for illustration only. The product is a download.

Runs on WindowsMac and mobile.

  • an ok series (I reviewed one on the general epistles ; ) )

Sale Price
$43.49 USD
($339.50 HKD*)

$679.08 HKD

A Commentary on the Psalms, vols. 1-2
This image is for illustration only. The product is a download.

Runs on WindowsMac and mobile.

Sale Price
$44.99 USD
($351.21 HKD*)

$702.50 HKD

Paul and the Faithfulness of God (2 vols.)
This image is for illustration only. The product is a download.

Runs on WindowsMac and mobile.

Sale Price
$39.99 USD
($312.18 HKD*)

$624.43 HKD

God and the Faithfulness of Paul
See inside
This image is for illustration only. The product is a download.

Runs on WindowsMac and mobile.
  • a comprehensive response to Wright's Paul and the Faithfulness of God. Useful one.

Sale Price
$24.49 USD
($191.18 HKD*)

$382.44 HKD


[Audio/Video] Dan Wallace Textual Criticism Digital Products FREE (TODAY ONLY!)

Credo Courses:  Textual Criticism – Daniel Wallace


A Scholarly Defense of the New Testament Manuscript Tradition

Christianity is based upon the Bible. Today, the Bible is under attack on all fronts. However, these attacks are usually surface level treatments of the topic put forth by those who don’t really have an understanding of the topic.
Dr. Daniel Wallace is arguably the foremost scholar today on the topic of New Testament Textual Criticism
For those who are tired of today’s church being so anti-intellectual and adrift at sea with no anchor, we ask you to get involved in reclaiming your mind for Christ. This study aims at turning the tides toward a new age of humble theological depth.


[ChristianAudio freebie] on Augustine (Dec)


FREE audiobook download for this month (normally $16.98)
The Confessions is at once the autobiographical account of Augustine's faith and at the same time a compelling theology of Christian spirituality for everyone. Among the most important classics in Western literature, it continues to engage modern readers through Augustine's timeless illustrations and beautiful prose. Augustine's Confessions is a book to relish the first time through and then profoundly enjoy over a lifetime of revisiting.

[Logos] monthly freebie (Dec)

No One Like Him: The Doctrine of God

Many contemporary theologians claim that the classical picture of God painted by Augustine and Aquinas is both outmoded and unbiblical. But rather than abandoning the traditional view completely, John Feinberg seeks a reconstructed model—one that reflects the ongoing advances in human understanding of God's revelation while recognizing the unchanging nature of God and his Word.

[Faithlife ebooks]

The Promises of God

In The Promises of God, Dr. R. C. Sproul shows how God—the one true Promise Keeper—always keeps His promises.

Drawing from his expansive theological background, Dr. Sproul addresses questions such as: How do we know that God will fulfill His promises to us? What can we learn about God’s faithfulness as we wait for His promises to be fulfilled? And many more.
God’s promises throughout history are the foundation for your relationship with Him. Here you will see how and why He keeps His promises to you, from now through eternity.


Daily Reader for Contemplative Living

This work brings together for each day of the year three prayer practices for contemplative living: first, a brief “active prayer”; second, spiritual reading; and, third, Lectio Divina. The brief introductory prayer sentences are from various sources—the Bible and traditional prayers of the church or of well-known spiritual writers. The spiritual readings come from 11 of Father Keating’s books and one audiotape, with a month’s worth of readings derived from each work.


[Kindle] Eerdmans Dec sale (till 31 Dec)

  • a few good ones:

Valuable insights into key disputed topics from a veritable who's who of evangelical scholars

In this volume thirty-seven first-rate evangelical scholars present a thorough study of biblical authority and a full range of issues connected to it.
Recognizing that Scripture and its authority are now being both challenged and defended with renewed vigor, editor D. A. Carson assigned the topics that these select scholars address in the book. After an introduction by Carson to the many facets of the current discussion, the contributors present robust essays on relevant historical, biblical, theological, philosophical, epistemological, and comparative-religions topics. To conclude, Carson answers a number of frequently asked questions about the nature of Scripture, cross-referencing these FAQs to the preceding chapters.
This comprehensive volume by a team of recognized experts will be the go-to reference on the nature and authority of the Bible for years to come.

Practical Theology: An Introduction Kindle Edition
Print List Price: $25.00  Save $22.01 (88%)‎

Every church congregation encounters challenging situations, some the same the world over, and others specific to each church. Richard Osmer here seeks to teach congregational leaders -- including, but not limited to, clergy -- the requisite knowledge and skills to meet such situations with sensitivity and creativity.

Osmer develops a framework for practical theological interpretation in congregations by focusing on four key questions: What is going on in a given context? Why is this going on? What ought to be going on? and How might the leader shape the context to better embody Christian witness and mission?

The book is unique in its attention to interdisciplinary issues and the ways that theological reflection is grounded in the spirituality of leaders. Useful, accessible, and lively -- with lots of specific examples and case studies -- Osmer‘s Practical Theology effectively equips congregational leaders to guide their communities with theological integrity.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
