
[Logos] monthly freebie (Dec)

No One Like Him: The Doctrine of God

Many contemporary theologians claim that the classical picture of God painted by Augustine and Aquinas is both outmoded and unbiblical. But rather than abandoning the traditional view completely, John Feinberg seeks a reconstructed model—one that reflects the ongoing advances in human understanding of God's revelation while recognizing the unchanging nature of God and his Word.

[Faithlife ebooks]

The Promises of God

In The Promises of God, Dr. R. C. Sproul shows how God—the one true Promise Keeper—always keeps His promises.

Drawing from his expansive theological background, Dr. Sproul addresses questions such as: How do we know that God will fulfill His promises to us? What can we learn about God’s faithfulness as we wait for His promises to be fulfilled? And many more.
God’s promises throughout history are the foundation for your relationship with Him. Here you will see how and why He keeps His promises to you, from now through eternity.


Daily Reader for Contemplative Living

This work brings together for each day of the year three prayer practices for contemplative living: first, a brief “active prayer”; second, spiritual reading; and, third, Lectio Divina. The brief introductory prayer sentences are from various sources—the Bible and traditional prayers of the church or of well-known spiritual writers. The spiritual readings come from 11 of Father Keating’s books and one audiotape, with a month’s worth of readings derived from each work.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
