
[Kindle] 3 noteworthy commentaries

The Gospel of Matthew (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) Kindle Edition

The Epistle to the Romans (New International Greek Testament Commentary (NIGTC)) Kindle Edition

This highly anticipated commentary on the Greek text of Romans by veteran New Testament scholar Richard Longenecker provides solid scholarship and innovative solutions to long-standing interpretive problems. Critical, exegetical, and constructive, yet pastoral in its application, Longenecker’s monumental work on Romans sets a course for the future that will promote a better understanding of this most famous of Paul’s letters and a more relevant contextualization of its message.

Paul's Letter to the Romans (The Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC)) Kindle Edition

by Colin G. Kruse  (Author)

Kindle Price:$24.99
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Paul's Letter to the Romans may well be the most influential book in Christian history. In this Romans commentary Colin Kruse shows how Paul expounds the gospel against the background of God's sovereign action as creator, judge, and redeemer of the world. Valuable "additional notes" on important theological themes and difficult texts -- such as Paul's discussion of same-sex relationships, the salvation of "all Israel," and the woman Junia, who was "well known among the apostles" -- further connect Romans to contemporary issues. Throughout his commentary Kruse expertly guides readers through the plethora of interpretations of Romans, providing a reliable exposition of this foundational epistle.

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
