
[WordSearch] Tyndale Old and New Testament Commentary 47 Volumes

  • note not only the price but also the platform

47 Volumes
Category: Commentary Sets
This title works with the following Wordsearch products
Desktop | Web | iPhone/iPad | Android
Reg: $796.95
Sale: US$79.95

Product Details

The Tyndale Commentary Series has long been a favorite of preachers, teachers, and serious students of God’s Word. Carefully staying true to the Bible text, each commentary in the set walks through every passage one at a time, making sure to stop at each significant Greek or Hebrew word. Aiming to be fully understood by everyone, including those with no experience in biblical languages, this series is easy to understand, but it also digs deeply into the text.
Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical Bible scholars, the Tyndale Commentary Series is scholarly without being overly technical. Each volume includes a concise but thorough introduction, giving you the background information on the book covered. The commentary then goes through each section of the text, showing you the overall themes along with commenting on individual verses. When Greek and Hebrew words are discussed, the transliteration is offered to make it easily readable. The authors explain why the word is important and how it’s related to the target passage and to other Scriptures.
Studying with the Tyndale Commentary Series will raise your personal level of Bible understanding. When using this resource in Wordsearch, you’ll be able to easily cross-reference with the text, Strong’s Concordance, and other study tools in order to get the most out of your Bible study time.
Check out a sample of this series by clicking on the “Sample” button on this page.


The Tyndale volumes have long been the premier shorter-length commentary series on both Testaments throughout the English-speaking world.
Craig Blomberg, Denver Seminary


[Kindle] Eerdmans sale: notable goodies

Paul and the Gift
Kindle Edition

by John M. G. Barclay (Author)
Digital List Price: $5.99
Kindle Price: US$5.49
Save $49.51 (90%)

A fresh scholarly reading of grace in Paul's theology

In this book esteemed Pauline scholar John Barclay presents a strikingly fresh reading of grace in Paul's theology, studying it in view of ancient notions of "gift" and shining new light on Paul's relationship to Second Temple Judaism.

Paul and the Gift centers on divine gift-giving, which for Paul, Barclay says, is focused and fulfilled in the gift of Christ. He offers a new appraisal of Paul's theology of the Christ-event as gift as it comes to expression in Galatians and Romans, and he presents a nuanced and detailed discussion of the history of reception of Paul. This exegetically responsible, theologically informed, hermeneutically useful book shows that a respectful, though not uncritical, reading of Paul contains resources that remain important for Christians today. 

by Craig S. Keener (Author)
Digital List Price: $3.99
Kindle Price: US$3.03
Save $36.97 (92%)

Biblical-theological reflection supporting a dynamic, experiential, Spirit-guided reading of Scripture

How do we hear the Spirit's voice in Scripture? Once we have done responsible exegesis, how may we expect the Spirit to apply the text to our lives and communities? In Spirit Hermeneutics biblical scholar Craig Keener addresses these questions, carefully articulating how the experience of the Spirit that empowered the church on the day of Pentecost can — and should — dynamically shape our reading of Scripture today.

by Stanley E. Porter (Author), Andrew W. Pitts (Author)
Kindle Price: US$1.99
Save $20.01 (91%)

Fills the need for a truly mid-level, quality textbook on New Testament textual criticism

Presenting all the essential, foundational elements necessary to grasp textual criticism of the New Testament, Stanley Porter and Andrew Pitts accurately define the subject of textual criticism, discuss the canon and manuscripts of the New Testament, outline methodological principles, and more, concluding with a chapter on New Testament translations and how to evaluate them.

Part of a coordinated Greek study curriculum, this volume is designed to function as a companion to Fundamentals of New Testament Greek and its accompanying workbook (Eerdmans, 2010); an intermediate grammar of New Testament Greek is forthcoming.


[Android/Apple] Zondervan's MasterLectures app

• Video lectures on NT, OT, Greek/Hebrew, Systematic Theology and Church History etc
• Learn from the world's leading Christian scholars
FREE for 14 days, then pay only US$19.99 monthly / US$14.99/mo with an annual subscription

Notable scholars: Doug Moo, N. T. Wright, Thomas Schreiner, Michael Bird, Craig Keener, Bruce Longenecker, Nicholas Perrin, Karen Jobes, Tremper Longman, John Oswalt, Everett Ferguson


[WordSearch] One-Volume Commentary Sale (till May 4)

One-Volume Commentary Sale from WordSearch

  • notable ones: Keener's IVP Bible Background Commentary (2nd ed.) (US$10), Metzger's Textual Commentary (2nd ed.) (US$10), Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary (US$10), IVP Women's Bible Commentary (US$10)


[Logos] Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper -Free for a limited time [COVID-19]

Coronavirus and Christ

"This is a time when the fragile form of this world is felt. The seemingly solid foundations are shaking. The question we should be asking is, Do we have a Rock under our feet? A Rock that cannot be shaken—ever?"
Your Price: $0.00 HKD

  • remember to grab also the Audio Book for Free
  • more "Coronavirus Resources" there


De Gruyter Free Access to 75,000 eBooks online [COVID-19]

  • Free access to 75,000 DRM-free eBooks online will be granted through June 30, 2020
De Gruyter database for Evangel Seminary students: click HERE

Note: access to content from the University of California Press, University of Chicago Press and Yale University Press will be delayed until the end of April/early May due to platform upgrade


新註釋系列: Reading the New Testament (Helwys), Second Series


“Reading the New Testament” Launches “Second Series”

You may remember the excellent series “Reading the New Testament” (Hewlys), which featured scholars such as Charles Talbert, Charles Cousar, David Garland, and Luke Timothy Johnson. These were short volumes which covered the flow and sweep of the text, rather than detailed verse-by-verse exegesis. These were really handy for following the landscape of the forest of the text without getting bogged down in the minute details of the trees.
Now, this series is getting a “remake,” called “second series,” not replacements, but all new volumes nonetheless. The editor is Dr. Todd D. Still. The audience is not scholars and researchers, but pastors and students.
We have already seen two volumes published in this “second series” of “Reading the New Testament.” I have read bits of both of these, and they are very good!
Andrew Arterbury has published on the Gospel of Luke.

Alicia D. Myers has written on John and the Johannine Letters.


[Kindle] Eerdmans sale (April)

Eerdmans April 2020 eBook Sale: Over 300 Titles, US$1.99 to $5.99

  • some personal highlights: 
  • Gospel Writing: A Canonical Perspective Kindle Edition by Francis Watson (Author)
    Early Judaism: A Comprehensive Overview Reprint Edition, Kindle Edition by John J. Collins (Author, Editor), Daniel C. Harlow (Author, Editor) 


Bloomsbury's Theology and Religion online [COVID-19]

Bloomsbury (T&T Clark) is offering her "Theology and Religion online" freely accessible to EIN* members till 31 May 30 June 2020.

* EIN is the theological library network setted up by 5 major HK seminary libraries (ABS, CGST, ES, HSS & LTS )


[Credo Courses] Old Testament Theology – Digital Audio by Tremper Longman

  • definitely recommended! Only for TODAY!

Old Testament Theology – Digital Audio

30 Audio Sessions
Dr. Tremper Longman is the author of over 10 books. This course provides an overview of the Old Testament from a theological perspective addressing discrepancies, themes, and controversies.


[Logos] Free books of the month (Apr)

  • Logos: Free course offered this time

Faith Working Through Love by N.T. Wright (1 hour course)

Discover how Biblical wisdom can help you find meaning in your work. We are all engaged in some kind of work, whether it comes with a paycheck or not. Regardless of the kind of work you do, from bussing tables, to taking care of your home and family, to managing a business, chances are you want to find meaning in your endeavors. In this intriguing course, Professor N.T. Wright examines a series of Biblical texts that discuss how Christians should consider the work they do. As you’re guided through Old and New Testament teachings, you’ll discover concrete actions you can take to live out the fullness of being in the image of God, and become an agent for positive change in a broken society.
$0.00 HKD
Save 0%
Your Price: $0.00 HKD

  • Verbum

Creation, Un-creation, Re-creation: A Discursive Commentary on Genesis 1-11Creation, Un-creation, Re-creation: A Discursive Commentary on Genesis 1-11

Joseph Blenkinsopp provides a new commentary on Genesis 1–11, the so-called “primeval history” in which the account of creation is given. Blenkinsopp argues that, from a biblical point of view, creation cannot be restricted to a single event, nor to two versions of an event, as depicted in Genesis 1–3. Rather, it must take in the whole period of creation arranged in the sequence of creation, uncreation, and recreation as see in Genesis 1–11. Through the course of the commentary, presented in continuous discussion rather than in a rigid verse-by-verse form, Blenkinsopp takes into account premodern interpretations of the texts, especially in the Jewish interpretative tradition, as well as modern, historical-critical interpretations. While Blenkinsopp takes into account reconstructions of the text’s sources, he analyzes its canonical form, enabling him to focus upon the literary structure and theological message of this section of Scripture as a whole.
$147.21 HKD

Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching Ezekiel

This major work explores the message and meaning of Ezekiel, one of the longest and most difficult of the prophetic books. An introduction explains what is involved in reading a prophetic book, and how the book of Ezekiel was put together and structured. It looks at the form of speech used and discusses Ezekiel's author and those who transmitted, edited, and enlarged upon what he had to say.
$209.22 HKD

  • Faithlife

Know Your Bible from A to Z

In Know Your Bible from A to Z, bestselling author Jim George helps readers gain a wider and richer understanding of the Bible, including more than 150 carefully selected topics that provide fascinating insights about important historical events, interesting customs and cultural practices, and significant people and places. Regular price: $108.45 HKD Your price: $0.00 HKD

[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Feb)

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