
[WordSearch] Tyndale Old and New Testament Commentary 47 Volumes

  • note not only the price but also the platform

47 Volumes
Category: Commentary Sets
This title works with the following Wordsearch products
Desktop | Web | iPhone/iPad | Android
Reg: $796.95
Sale: US$79.95

Product Details

The Tyndale Commentary Series has long been a favorite of preachers, teachers, and serious students of God’s Word. Carefully staying true to the Bible text, each commentary in the set walks through every passage one at a time, making sure to stop at each significant Greek or Hebrew word. Aiming to be fully understood by everyone, including those with no experience in biblical languages, this series is easy to understand, but it also digs deeply into the text.
Written by some of the world’s most distinguished evangelical Bible scholars, the Tyndale Commentary Series is scholarly without being overly technical. Each volume includes a concise but thorough introduction, giving you the background information on the book covered. The commentary then goes through each section of the text, showing you the overall themes along with commenting on individual verses. When Greek and Hebrew words are discussed, the transliteration is offered to make it easily readable. The authors explain why the word is important and how it’s related to the target passage and to other Scriptures.
Studying with the Tyndale Commentary Series will raise your personal level of Bible understanding. When using this resource in Wordsearch, you’ll be able to easily cross-reference with the text, Strong’s Concordance, and other study tools in order to get the most out of your Bible study time.
Check out a sample of this series by clicking on the “Sample” button on this page.


The Tyndale volumes have long been the premier shorter-length commentary series on both Testaments throughout the English-speaking world.
Craig Blomberg, Denver Seminary

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