
[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Dec)

New Testament Theology and Its Quest for Relevance: Ancient Texts and Modern Readers

New Testament theology raises many questions, not only within its own boundaries, but also in relation to other fields such as history, literary criticism, sociology, psychology, history, politics, philosophy, and religious studies. But, the overarching question concerns the relevance of two thousand year old writings in today's world. How does one establish what is and is not relevant in the New Testament? How does one communicate the ancient ideas, presented in an alien language, alien time, and alien culture to a contemporary audience?

Your Price: $0.00 HKD


Exploring Church History

Enjoy a comprehensive but concise tour of the events and personalities that have marked the growth of the Christian church over the last 2,000 years. Renowned evangelical scholar Howard F. Vos summarizes the most up-to-date information and statistics available on worldwide Christianity. Includes in-...

Regular price: $117.11 HKD

Save $85.94 HKD (73%)

Your Price: $31.17 HKD

The Word “Hesed” in the Hebrew Bible (Bloomsbury Academic Collections)

This impressive semantic study, with a useful glossary of special and technical terms, develops an original methodology, bringing new insights into the meaning of a much-discussed word. Working with an immense amount of data, obtained by examining every occurrence in the Hebrew Bible of thirty-five field elements, the author achieves a new degree of semantic refinement based on meticulous quantitative analysis of distribution, collocations, parallels, and syntagms.

Regular Price: $203.05 HKD

Save $156.25 HKD (76%)

Your Price: $46.80 HKD


Christian Apologetics Past and Present: A Primary Source Reader: Volume 1, To 1500

The apostle Peter tells us always to be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks us to account for our hope as Christians (1 Peter 3:15). While the gospel message remains the same, such arguments look different from one age to another. Christian Apologetics Past and Present: A Primary Source Reader: Volume 1, To 1500 is an unprecedented anthology of apologetics texts with selections from the first century AD through the Middle Ages.

Regular Price: $210.86 HKD

Save $156.25 HKD (74%)

Your Price: $54.61 HKD


Matthew, 2 vols. (Reformed Expository Commentary | REC)

With its rich teaching on discipleship, the Gospel of Matthew is a wellspring of instruction on Christian living. Its use of the Old Testament also shows how old covenant promises are fulfilled in the new and how the law of Moses exercises its authority today. Daniel Doriani, a pastor and scholar recognized for his works on biblical interpretation, pays careful attention to the structure, backgrounds, and grammar of Matthew in order to furnish pastors and students of the Word with the Christ-centered commentary and the personal and corporate applications they need. Each chapter of this two-volume work seeks to express Matthew’s original intent in ways that evoke his distinct voice and thereby fulfill the goal of Matthew’s Gospel—making disciples by forming the mind, heart, and hands of believers.

Regular Price: $226.48 HKD

Save $164.06 HKD (72%)

Your Price: $62.42 HKD

The World and the Word: An Introduction to the Old Testament

The World and the Word is a fresh introduction to the Old Testament driven largely by the fact that so much Christian preaching and teaching today increasingly ignores what is eighty percent of the Bible. Authors Eugene Merrill, Mark Rooker, and Michael Grisanti work through the world and text of the Old Testament always making three major points.

Your Price: $70.23 HKD


The Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

This Dictionary (CDCH) is an abridgment of the 8-volume Dictionary of Classical Hebrew (DCH). The CDCH thus contains not only the ~ 8400 Hebrew words found in the standard dictionaries, but also a further 3340+ words (540 from the Dead Sea Scrolls, 680 from other ancient Hebrew literature, and 2120+ proposed words for the Hebrew Bible not previously recognized by dictionaries). All the words in the full Dictionary of Classical Hebrew are to be found in the CDCH. The CDCH has been designed to be clear, concise and easy to use. The Hebrew words are arranged in alphabetical order, so it is not necessary to know the ‘root’ of a word to look it up in the Dictionary. All the Hebrew words and phrases quoted are accompanied by an English translation.

Regular Price: $390.55 HKD

Save $304.69 HKD (78%)

Your Price: $85.86 HKD

The Life of Christ: A Historical, Critical, and Apologetic Exposition (3 vols.)

Father L. C. Fillion’s monumental The Life of Christ is a thorough and methodical exposition of the God-man, Jesus Christ. This massive work is a historical, critical, and apologetic text. As a history, Fillion’s work places special emphasis on Christ’s historical context and the culture and country he inhabited, and explores Jesus’ personality. As criticism, Fillion’s work uses textual and literary analysis to demonstrate the unmatched credibility of the Gospels. Lastly, as an apologetic, The Life of Christ confronts the nineteenth-century historical Jesus movement and the rationalism that assaulted the Christian faith. This classic work, translated from the French by Newton Thompson, provides an insightful exposition of Christ’s life and ministry fit for Catholic and Protestant alike.

$195.23 HKD

Your Price: $0


The God of Jesus Christ: Meditations on the Triune God

God is—and the Christian faith adds: God is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three and one. This is the very heart of Christianity, but it is so often shrouded in a silence born of perplexity. Has the church perhaps gone one step too far here? Ought we not rather leave something so great and inaccessible as God in his inaccessibility?

$85.86 HKD

Your Price: $46.0 HKD

  • Logos ebook (faithlife)

    Stand Firm Day by Day: Let Nothing Move You

    Stand Firm Day by Day: Let Nothing Move You

    Stand Firm: Let Nothing Move You is a 365-day devotional that will equip men to be godly leaders in their homes, churches, and communities. Readers are encouraged to cultivate the discipline of daily Bible reading, to keep their commitments, and to honor their responsibilities. Develop a powerful faith in God that won't be shaken!

    Your Price: $0.00 HKD

    Bonhoeffer Speaks Today: Following Jesus at all Costs

    Bonhoeffer Speaks Today: Following Jesus at all Costs

    Imprisoned and eventually executed for his opposition to Hitler's regime, the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer continues to fascinate and inspire Christians across the world. His life epitomizes authenticity, commitment, and sacrifice. Devine writes, “When a man willingly exposes himself to suffering and death for his faith and for others, we take notice and with good reason. While martyrdom neither proves nor produces a spiritual giant, the possibility does arise, and this piques a distinct

    Your Price: $23.36 HKD

[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
