
[Logos] Noteworthy books of the month (Jan)

The Legacy of John Calvin: His Influence on the Modern World

David Hall identifies ten seminal ways that Calvin’s thought transformed the culture of the West, complete with a nontechnical biography of Calvin and tributes by other leaders. The Legacy of John Calvin is brief enough for popular audiences and analytical enough to provide much information in a short space.

Regular price: $77.99 HKD

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Hosea (Reformed Expository Commentary | REC)

The book of Hosea tells a simple, biographical tale that contains rich insight into the relationship between God and his people—the Israelites of the Bible and the Christians of today. In this pastoral expository commentary, Richard Phillips walks readers through the story of Hosea verse by verse. God tells Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman named Gomer. Time after time, Gomer is unfaithful to her husband, but time after time Hosea shows her love and compassion. Their marriage illustrates God’s continuous forgiveness for the Israelites, who have turned to other gods and idols like an adulterous spouse.

Regular Price: $187.28 HKD

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Your Price: $46.76 HKD



Pray Every Day: 90 Days of Prayer from God's Word

How well do you understand prayer? No matter how long you’ve been a Christian, you probably still have questions about what it means to talk with God. How formal should you be? What are you allowed to ask from Him? Why should you pray if His plan is already set? Pray Every Day is a 90-day journey through some of the most timeless and powerful prayers in the Bible, sure to better your understanding of what prayer is and how you can do it. You’ll learn how prayer has worked in the lives of God’s…

Digital list price: $124.82 HKD

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Aquinas on Human Action: A Theory of Practice

A patient and faithful treatment of Thomistic texts, this volume presents a systematic and unified picture of Aquinas’ theory of moral agency as it relates to human action. Focusing especially on the Summa Theologiae, Ralph McInerny carefully argues that Aquinas’ theory of moral action stands up to contemporary needs and remains adequate against contemporary criticism. This lively and incisive study by a first-rate scholar demonstrates a breadth of knowledge of Aquinas in a novel, yet scholarly,...



[Kindle sale] Goldingay's Complete Old Testament for Everyone (US$5.99)

 good for quiet time meditation ...