
[Logos] Free books of the month (May)

Isaiah 40–66: A Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)

This Eerdmans Critical Commentary volume is Shalom Paul’s comprehensive, all-inclusive study of the oracles of an anonymous prophet known only as Second Isaiah who prophesied in the second half of the sixth century B.C.E. Paul examines Isaiah 40–66 through a close reading of the biblical text, offering thorough exegesis of the historical, linguistic, literary, and theological aspects of the prophet’s writings. He also looks carefully at intertextual influences of earlier biblical and extrabiblical books, draws on the contributions of medieval Jewish commentators, and supports the contention that Second Isaiah should include chapters 55–66, thus eliminating the need to demarcate a Third Isaiah.
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Minor Prophets, Part 2 (Forms of the Old Testament Literature Series | FOTL)

Minor Prophets, Part 2 (Forms of the Old Testament Literature Series | FOTL)

 In this volume Floyd presents a complete form-critical analysis of the last six books in the Minor Prophets: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. By looking carefully at the literary genre and internal structure of each book, Floyd uncovers the literary conventions that help shape the composition of these prophetic books in their final form. His approach yields fresh views of how the parts of each book fit together to make up the whole — particularly with respect to Nahum, Haggai, and Malachi — and provides a basis for reconsidering how each book is historically related to the time of the prophet for whom it is named. This work will be useful to scholars because it advances the discussion regarding the holistic reading of prophetic books, and useful to pastors and students because it shows how analysis of literary form can lead to a more profound understanding of the messages of the Minor Prophets.

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Exodus (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)

Exodus (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)

In this new commentary on Exodus in the Eerdmans Critical Commentary, scholar Thomas B. Dozeman examines the book of Exodus under the rubric of the myriad literary genres that occur in the book. Dozeman accepts the conclusions of the “literary” of “higher criticism” movement and thus believes the book was composed over time throughout Israel's history.

  • Faithlife 

Hearing God

What does it mean to be close to God? How do we hear his voice? In Hearing God, bestselling author Dallas Willard says to focus not so much on individual actions and decisions as on building our personal relationship with our Creator.  
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Surrender to Love

In this profound book, psychologist and spiritual director David G. Benner explores the twin themes of love and surrender as the heart of Christian spirituality. Through careful examination of Scripture and reflection on the Christian tradition, Benner shows how God bids us to trust fully in his perfect love.  
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 The Gift of Being Yourself
In this exploration of Christian identity, David G. Benner illuminates the spirituality of self-discovery. He exposes the false selves that you may hide behind and calls you to discover the true self that emerges from your uniqueness in Christ.  
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Desiring God's Will

In Desiring God's Will, David G. Benner examines why our desires are disordered and how our human volition can be brought into alignment with God's intentions so that we willingly choose that which God wants for us. Regular price: $15.99 Your price: $4.99

  • Verbum

An Introduction to the Bible

An Introduction to the Bible provides a survey of the content of all biblical books, section by section, focusing on the Bible’s theological themes. Rather than introducing students to the Bible merely as history, literature, a record of political or ideological history, or a testimony to societies living or dead, authors Robert Kugler and Patrick Hartin stress that the Bible must be read as the text presents itself, as a theological witness to the nature of God and of humanity in relationship with God. Perfect for undergraduates, church study groups, and interested laypeople, Kugler and Hartin’s An Introduction to the Bible ably delivers on its title.
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 The Gospel of John in Cultural and Rhetorical Perspective
Given all that has been written about the Gospel of John over the past twenty centuries, can anything more possibly be said about it? Yes, says Jerome Neyrey—by reading this "maverick Gospel" in terms of ancient rhetoric and cultural anthropology. By interpreting the text in these two fresh ways, Neyrey distinctively illuminates the Gospel of John, casting new light on its theological message and on such topics as Jesus practice of secrecy, foot-washing as transformation ritual, and the Jewish background of Jesus equality with God. Neyrey’s scholarly study will certainly educate—and at times provoke—attentive readers.
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[Kindle] new Systematic Theology on sale
